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Sell Tickets Online in Australia with Eventicka

By February 23, 2019July 11th, 2024Eventicka News, Helpful Event Tips

Did you know that over 74.6 million sites depend on WordPress – that’s about 18.9% of all websites. Even more astounding may be that 6 new posts are made every second (source).

Now, anyone with a WordPress website or blog can create a custom events listing page and sell tickets with the Eventicka WordPress plugin for events.

Feature your upcoming events

Use the Eventicka plugin to display a list of your upcoming Eventicka events on your WordPress website or post. An events listing page is especially useful for venues and event organisers that are running multiple events a month.

event listing

Sell tickets with WordPress

Embed our ticket purchasing widget and sell tickets with your WordPress site or blog. The widget will allow buyers to begin their registration in WordPress before being transferred to your Eventicka event page to complete the transaction.

widget 2x 1

Need help getting setup on Eventicka and WordPress? We’ve got you covered with this full tutorial.

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